A barn fire in South Brookswood left Langley Township firefighters suffering from heat exhaustion on a blazing Monday afternoon.

The Township fire department was called in at 11:44 a.m., said assistant fire chief Bruce Ferugson.

The fire was on 197A Street just north of 28th Avenue, and started in or near a shed and barn.

The workshop burned to a pile of rubble, and firefighters from five Township halls were called out to battle the blaze as it continued eating into a larger barn at the back of the property.

Gord Smythe, a neighbour, said he had been leasing the barn and using it to store car parts. The parts weren’t insured, he said as he watched firefighters spray water onto the flames.

There were no animals in any of the buildings, and no residents were harmed by the fire.

At least one firefighter was checked out by ambulance attendants on scene after apparently suffering from heat exhaustion. Several firefighters had to take a break and strip off their protective gear, to drink and soak themselves with water.

The main problem with fighting the fire, aside from the heat over 30 degrees, was the lack of nearby hydrants, said Ferguson.

Five firehalls were called out to fight the blaze, and firefighters were trying to conserve water as it was brought in by tankers.

© Langley Advance

– See more at: http://www.langleyadvance.com/news/updated-fire-guts-brookswood-barns-1.1307486#sthash.2ljM7y2U.dpuf